quinta-feira, outubro 27, 2005

cegueira imposta.

I have seen too much
I haven't seen enough
you haven't seen it

[I'm] not scaremongering
this is really happening
[radiohead, idiotheque].

9 comentários:

brecke disse...

Adoro esta música, fico com arrepios na pele de cada vez que a ouço.. top3

Bárbara disse...

Adoro esta foto, fico com arrepios na pele de cada vez que a vejo.. top3

Anónimo disse...

O que escreves, mtas vezes obriga-me a pensar e voltar a sentir, algo que é finito! Pareces ser uma linda5*..por isso, não deixes que uma "desilusão" dessas te tire o encanto!Eu sei o k isso é!:(

Raul disse...

tinhas (quase) razão. a foto não está "engraçada", está mas é impecável... do que não falaste foi da "legenda", que o é também... mas e que tal tirares esse bracinho de frente dos olhinhos verdes-verdes (para assim todos podermos vê-los) e leres a parte final da mesma, os últimos três versos só, e começares a pensar em algo mais do que amarguras? acredita, "been there, done that, read the book, etc etc etc" beijo

ps: ok ok, eu sei que alguém que está "excluído da tua lista de amigos" não deveria escrever estas coisas mas... estou-me nas tintas! vem cá e obriga-me a não o fazer, se conseguires! ;)

Anónimo disse...

"By Your Side"- Coco Rosie"La Maison de Mon Rêve"

A propósito desta música e também num carro alguém uma vez me disse uma das coisas mais bonitas que já ouvi:

"-Quero fazer-te tartes de maçã!!!"

Na altura, confesso, não dei muita importância... mas quem me dera agora poder ter sequer a esperança de um dia as provar...

Anónimo disse...

comentário a pe(r)dido

continua a chatea-los que esses empregados podem tardar mas atendem!


comentário a tu!

tenho k te fazer uma visita para falarmos

Anónimo disse...

I've seen it all, I have seen the trees,
I've seen the willow leaves dancing in the breeze
I've seen a man killed by his best friend,
And lives that were over before they were spent.
I've seen what I was - I know what I'll be
I've seen it all - there is no more to see!

You haven't seen elephants, kings or Peru!
I'm happy to say I had better to do
What about China? Have you seen the Great Wall?
All walls are great, if the roof doesn't fall!

And the man you will marry?
The home you will share?
To be honest, I really don't care...

You've never been to Niagara Falls?
I have seen water, its water, that's all...
The Eiffel Tower, the Empire State?
My pulse was as high on my very first date!
Your grandson's hand as he plays with your hair?
To be honest, I really don't care...

I've seen it all, I've seen the dark
I've seen the brightness in one little spark.
I've seen what I chose and I've seen what I need,
And that is enough, to want more would be greed.
I've seen what I was and I know what I'll be
I've seen it all - there is no more to see!

You've seen it all and all you have seen
You can always review on your own little screen
The light and the dark, the big and the small
Just keep in mind - you need no more at all
You've seen what you were and know what you'll be
You've seen it all - there is no more to see!

Bjork - i've seen it all
(epah este blog é demasiado mórbido...)

couve-flor. disse...

epah,n é nada!

Anónimo disse...

James Blunt - You're Beautiful

My life is brilliant
My love is pure
I saw an angel
Of that I'm sure
She smiled at me on the subway
She was with another man
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful, it's true
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you

Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by
She could see from my face that I was,
Fucking high,
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end

You're beautiful
You're beautiful
You're beautiful, it's true
I saw you face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you

You're beautiful
You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you

Yes you are, outside and inside, you are...