quinta-feira, maio 24, 2007


need to stop drifting

3 comentários:

Rui leprechaun disse...

And where's the problem in drifting, my little One?!

It all dependes on how you're drifting, may be. Aren't You lovely floating on that Peaceful Sea, and better yet... with me?! ;)

Uma canção belíssima e desconhecida. Daya Rawat, uma cantora e compositora não profissional, com uma voz incomparavelmente acariciante!

Meet her here: http://www.myspace.com/dayita


Drifting across the blue ocean
I'll be drifting till I find you
No matter how long it takes
I'll be sailing till I get to you

Loving you till I am through
Forever my love is true
Take me away and lead me through
I'll be sailing till I get to you

Fill my sail, bring me closer to you
Reel me in, I need to feel you
My longing burns
Make me one with you

By the way, this is not a mere love song, for this is singing from soul to Soul... into the divine Whole!!! :)

Desconhecido disse...

drifta à vontade.... a vida é muito curta!

parabéns à outra senhora deste blog!

amo-te à nossa maneira ;)

couve-flor. disse...

[aos dois, portanto].